By Sanders Family Dental

As a responsible parent of your toddler, you may probably have a decent idea by now, of what is and isn’t good and normal for your kid’s emerging teeth. 

But if you notice that your kid is suffering from bleeding gums, then that can be an early symbol of your child’s —

  • poor brushing practices 
  • unhealthy diet regime
  • biting gums 
  • usage of a hard-bristled toothbrush
  • flossing the teeth way too hard 
  • or even other oral health hazards

How can you detect bleeding gums?

The gums are actually the soft tissue lining present inside of the mouth. After brushing the tooth if you see red swollen gums or pink-stained saliva, then there is a chance that your child is suffering from bleeding gums- a serious symptom of gingivitis.

What are the causes of bleeding gums?

  • Gingivitis
  • Plaque build-up 
  • A dry mouth and gums 
  • Injury to the gums

When your little one has a lot of sugary items and starchy foods, bacteria present inside the mouth feed on the sugar! This further combines with the plaque which forms on gums and teeth. And therefore, it leads to decay, tartar, and also inflamed gum tissue. 

Inflamed gums have a tendency to bleed whenever they are brushed.

Process of Treatment

At your kid’s first appointment–

  • The Pediatric Dentist will check your toddler’s gums 
  • He/she will review your kid’s medical history as well 
  • The Pediatric Dentist may also take an X-ray. He/she may probably look for pockets around your kid’s teeth as well. 

Treatment options will be discussed one-on-one and the Pediatric Dentist will prescribe a perfect plan for treatment based upon the kind and extent of the problem.

How to Tackle Bleeding Gums?

  • Your kids must brush their teeth twice every day.
  • They must use an appropriate toothbrush. 
  • Make sure that your kid uses a soft-bristled, small-headed toothbrush that fits comfortably inside their mouth.
  • You must brush your child’s teeth if he/she doesn’t have the manual control to brush in the perfect way.
  • Your kid can also use an electric toothbrush.
  • Make sure that they never skip flossing.

When your toddler follows all these oral care habits, the risk of bleeding gums gets minimized. 

Even if that doesn’t reduce your toddler’s bleeding gums in 7 to 10 days, then it is a case of a dental emergency. And you must take your kid to the pediatric dentist without any delay.  

Give your child the smile they deserve!

Now if you are in search of a potential Pediatric Dentist, who can attend to your kid’s dental needs in Lombard, IL, then surely reach out to Sanders Family Dental. We will monitor your child’s issues but in a kid-friendly manner. The Kid’s Dentist in Lombard will also check progress and detect any new signs if they appear. We’re just a call away and we will make your toddler’s treatment session a fun and memorable one!

Hurry up since any untreated injuries to teeth and also in the gums can cause major complications in the future.

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